Awakening & Aligning The Authentic Self
Evolution is the process whereby the creative energy of spirit (non-physical) manifests on the material (physical) dimensions. It is an ongoing process as creation becomes more complex and beautiful in its expression of Love. Likewise, your personal evolution is an expression of Love and is to be embraced with joy. Be centred in your sacred heart energy and hold the balance of Love and Peace, masculine and feminine within you. When we look at our physical body how can we help but to identify mostly with form rather than the essence of that which is truly who we are? Transcend from identifying with physical and temporal time to one where we are awakened to our eternal essence.
Love and Freedom are the central core of Shamballa. Love for oneself and an intuitive understanding and knowing of one’s alignment and connection with Source, Mother Earth, nature, Inter dimensional Beings and all of Creation. Freedom from what stands in the way of that natural knowing and being the expanded conscious self. Freedom to know who you truly are, and to step into your power and guidance, to step into the purpose, command and mastery of your life.
Shamballa is a way of living, it brings the sacred and reverence into everything, it brings magic to a normal day, it lifts your vibrancy, gives you purpose and connects you with inherent abundance, wisdom, optimal health. The more authentic prompting of heart and soul can be heard. You are able to reconsider and re-evaluate your personal values to your well being.
The process of change is uncomfortable, unfamiliar and strange to us. You can look at life through new eyes, and create a new vision.
As human beings we prepare to go beyond who we know ourselves to be, the changes we are experiencing are part of our own human experience, but what is occurring is a bigger picture of human evolution. What was important is no longer our focus, we have a desire for inner peace love connection happiness is becoming the new indicator of success. Life will not be the same.
Emergence into a new reality. Seeding change. Ascension cycle for earth and humans.
We are being taken out of a limited matrix that we have always been in and are being expanded into our true authentic human selves which is also being expanded into more of expanded soul aspects. We are an avatar being, we can expand way beyond what we have known ourselves to be. We are, together co-creating and transforming our world.
You are fully aligned and at oneness with the galactic / universal Shamballa inter dimensional collective, a unity of conscious beings vibrating at various frequency bands to exchange, learn from, give and receive guidance and support.
“My experience was awakening, and I was called to finally investigate energy and energy healing by a few events in my day to day life that began to wake me up to an unseen presence of some sort of tangible matter. Through the activations I realized that some of what I was experiencing was not new at all, but something I had naturally done as a child. Through explanations of what light children were all about I reconnected with that golden thread that has lead me throughout my life without out me having words for it as a child and then forgetting about it in my teens and adulthood.
The way the course was able to accomplish so much in terms of a perception shift without turning the participants on our heads is incredible and could only be done within the gentle approach of love.
I came to the course with a closed heart from previous experiences and was not only able to pry it open but I re-found a type of dynamic unthinking knowing that was now not only in my mind, also in my heart.
I have never been so positively affected by anything in my life. Since the shamballa activations, when life throws me a difficult moment, I have found it so much easier to return to a place of love and compassion. The course opened my heart when I thought the walls I'd built were too high and thick. I have gained confidence, self-esteem, and learned the importance of valuing myself. My fears in life continue to melt away. And, most importantly, I have been empowered. I have been given the tools to make my life filled with beauty, love and joy-always! I see more of the truth in everything around me, which fills me with happiness”
The Universe has a movement, measure, rhythm, pulse. As above so below. Movement as represented by the joints in our body; measure as represented by our fingers and toes; the rhythm of the bodily processes; and the pulse of our heart beat.
The Tzol’kin, which are waves and pulsations of energy coming from the centre of the Galaxy, you are able to understand nature and qualities of spiritual energies. You can see the overall guiding pattern of how these forces and cycles accompany and direct your development and evolution through the count of days. Each day is an individual and unique energy as represented through the calendar, the wisdom and rituals held by the Mayan people.
The Tzol’kin provides an understanding of multi-dimensionality, of the evolutionary perspective of Creation. We can appreciate and honour the vastness of creation and truly participate in the co-creation of material life on the Earth as well as the unity and inter-connectedness with all that is. We come to know the essence of the energy expressing each day and ride the wave of our own uniqueness within the whole; to come into alignment amongst life’s natural rhythms.
Life is a sacred journey. It is about change, growth, discovery, expanding the vision of what is possible,
stretching the soul, seeing clearly and deeply, listening to intuition, taking courageous steps along the way.
On the path ...
you are where you are meant to be right now ...
And from here, you can only go forward never back,
shaping the life story into a magnificent tale of adventure, discovery, connection. acceptance, joy,
beauty, wisdom, power, harmony and love.