Healer & Spiritual Facilitator, Mindfulness Coach | Sacred Ritual of Fire and Water Ceremonies Facilitator | Shamballa MultiDimensional Healing Master | Usui and Karuna Reiki Master | Mayan Xuxuchel of the Quiche Maya, Guatemala | Ceremony for anchoring Abundance and Peace Archetypes on 08-08-08
Who am I ?
Judith Ahnika Paul is an existential journeyer – guide, teacher / facilitator / mindful coach, mayan xuxuchel, reiki master, wisdom keeper, an agent of change and transformation.
Judith Ahnika set out an existential quest, to discover the truth and meaning of her being, and to open the truth of her heart. This journey began in 1999, the final 13 years (baktun) of the Sacred Tzol’kin (Mayan) Calendar that indicates the end of an epoch of time, and followed a career in Human Resources within major industries and education sectors. Anchored in the prairies of Western Canada, she has traveled to Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Laos, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Peru, Nepal and India. Along the way she has integrated soul aspects of herself; reconnected with members of her soul family; climbed the Sun and Moon pyramids at Teotihuacan, Chichen Itza, Angkor Wat, Borodrodur, Machu Picchu, communed with powerful and sacred temples and sacred sites in Asia, Central/South America and western Canada. She has attuned and initiated to Shamballa numerous spiritual journeyers from all over the world, and conducted Sacred Mayan Fire Ceremonies in Guatemala, Canada, US, Thailand, India. She currently resides in Mexico.
She has integrated spiritual and energetics wisdom into the Human Resources profession. She brings experience as a facilitator and public speaker from the corporate, post secondary, indigenous government sectors plus the sacred rituals of ceremony and spiritual workshops. She infuses everything with her enthusiasm, joy of life, inspiration, devotion, love and presence.
Teachings And Activations
Usui Reiki Master and Karuna Reiki Master (2000 and 2001) | Lineage of William Lee Rand of International Reiki Association, USA and John Armitage, Hari Das Melchizedek, UK. Teachings in Calgary, Alberta, Canada with KAREN MCARTHUR
Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing (2001) | Lineage of John Armitage (Hari Das Melchizedek), UK, teaching in San Marcos, Guatemala with NADIA PETROVA
Mayan Aqu'jik (Shaman) of Quiche Maya (2001) | Teaching in Antigua, Guatemala and at sacred mayan altars within Guatemala with Mayan Teachers / Shamans JOSE COUTINO and CARLA COFINO
Melchizedek Method, Levels 1-2-3-4 (2000-2003) | Ascension and Merkaba light body activation for body health, harmony and spiritual ascension. ALTON KAMADON, the founder, was a clairvoyant channel and spiritual teacher. He was responsible for grounding upon the Earth plane the vibration of THE KAMADON ORDER OF MASTERY OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
Alchemy of Nine Dimensions (2006) | Activation of 9 dimensional galactic matrix guided by BARBARA HAND CLOW
Shamballa 1024 (2006) | Multi-dimensional and healing activation by JUNE STEPHENSON
Fast Track Technique, Levels 1-2-3 (2015 – 2016) | Intelligent healing system facilitated by JAZ GOVERN, founder
ACUTONICS Level I (May 2017) | Sound Gates to Meridian Harmonics
ACUTONICS Level II (July 2017) | Higher Harmonics and the Inner Nature of Tone
RETREAT AT GLASTONBURY, UK WITH STEVE NOBEL (July 2018) | Integrating the Divine Feminine and Masculine plus 5th Dimensional vibrations
ACUTONICS – Fibonacci Sequence (June,2019)
as channeled from Spirit when in meditation at Usui Reiki Master activation
Glowing radiant vibrant LIGHT
As I walk the Earth, healing springs forth –
Light, love, health, growth, happiness, wisdom, compassion, forgiveness
These are in my sack
I write and record in my book
Go forth, show the way
Bravery, courage, strength
Hope, Glory, Abundance for All
Youth springs eternal. We are One.
Walk the path of the ancients and I shall know, I shall be.
Bring forth love.
Rest when weary, but do not stop, time is short.
Now is the time.
God Shines
My brother walks with me.